Ginkgo for the dog... and for the little head!

The ginkgo leaf: A gooey symbol of love and strength - and a source of new life energy for your cold-nosed darling! With its fan-like leaves, the deciduous ginkgo is not only a real feast for the eyes, but also an insider's tip when it comes to ageing dogs' bodies. While the Chinese have been using the ginkgo plant in their traditional medicine for thousands of years, the positive effects for our four-legged friends are less common. You too have never heard of the fan-shaped addition to your pet's diet? We'll shed some light on the subject!

An insider tip that your dog will love you for

The ancient plant - now only found in the wild in southern China - has been known for thousands of years for its healing properties. We humans mostly use the ginkgo leaf in connection with strokes, Alzheimer's and other brain diseases. A pity really, because it has so much more to offer!

Thus, the ginkgo as a natural remedy can show its best side more and more often also in furry health issues. The active ingredients of the plant not only strengthen your pet's brain, but also...

  • ... they improve the blood circulation

As "food" for the blood circulation, ginkgo is a true all-rounder: it strengthens the natural function of blood circulation and thus provides the basis for the supply of nutrients and oxygen to body tissue.

  • ... they strengthen tendons, muscles and joints

Ginkgo has nutritive-strengthening properties that ideally support the tissue metabolism of your four-legged friend. His muscles, tendons and joints will thank you (or rather the ancient medicinal plant), because ginkgo strengthens the blood vessels. [1]

  • ... they protect nerves, brain and eyes

The leaves of the tree, which can grow up to 40 metres high, are wonderfully suitable for supporting the natural function of your four-legged friend's nervous system and brain. The retina also feels strengthened, as the ginkgo leaf facilitates blood circulation and thus the transport of oxygen and glucose. Especially for dog seniors who have been "young for a while", the ginkgo is therefore considered an ideal dietary supplement. Whether human or animal: a healthy diet contributes a relevant part to physical and mental fitness - making the superfood ginkgo a wonderful companion for your cold-nosed senior in the autumn of life.[2]

It all depends on the right dosage

Feeding ginkgo is child's play - and yet it should be learned. The appropriate amount of high-quality ginkgo powder for the dog's body is mixed into the food without further ado. If you want to feed ginkgo as a booster in a temporary cure, we recommend using it for six weeks. Since a lightly heaped teaspoon corresponds to two grams of ginkgo powder, the dog will receive ...

  • ... small dogs between 1 and 9 kilograms body weight a daily dose of ½ teaspoon of ginkgo powder.
  • ... medium-sized dogs between 10 and 30 kilograms body weight a daily dose of 1 teaspoon of ginkgo powder.
  • ... and large dogs from 31 kilograms body weight a daily dose of 2 teaspoons of ginkgo powder.

Although ginkgo is an extremely safe remedy with no known side effects, you should follow the correct dosage. Otherwise, the leaves of the fanleaf tree can have a laxative effect and lead to gastrointestinal complaints.[3] And both of you would certainly prefer to do without Montezuma's revenge...

[1] Komitee Forschung Naturmedizin e. V. (1999):

[2] Pharmazeutische Zeitung (2011):

[3] Brendieck-Worm, C. und Melzig, M. F. (2018): Phytotherapie in der Tiermedizin

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