Biotin for the dog - for a shiny coat like in the shampoo commercials

A determined paw lick here, a spirited full-body scratch there, a brisk head-rubbing on the sofa there: your dog has a huge itch - and in your worst nightmares, fleas are already making their way into your four walls.

The good news is that it doesn't have to be bugs or other animals that are bothering your pet. The bad news is that the cause of the itching may be a biotin deficiency, which can only be remedied with the appropriate nutritional supplements. In this article you will learn everything about the important nutrient for your four-legged friend and find out how he gets a shinier coat than the frilly ladies in the hair care commercials.

But first: How exactly does a biotin deficiency in dogs manifest itself?

Although four-legged friends usually get enough biotin from a balanced diet, the causes of a biotin deficiency can be manifold. A disturbed intestinal flora, the use of antibiotics, chronic digestive disorders and hereditary diseases can upset the biotin level. In case of doubt, your vet can provide information by testing blood serum or urine.[1]

However, for the first signs of a possible biotin deficiency in your pet, a first look is often enough. Scaly, itchy skin, a brittle and dull coat, hair loss and eczema can indicate a low biotin level. If this has been present for a long time, it can also be accompanied by listlessness, loss of appetite and fatigue. To make sure that your dog is not suffering from a disease, we would like to advise you to make an appointment with your vet if any of these symptoms occur.[2]

Superfood for your dog: Biotin for squeaky-clean four-legged friends

Biotin - also known as vitamin B7 or vitamin H - has the same functions in the dog's body as it does in humans. Required in almost all tissue parts and organs, the water-soluble vitamin is involved in numerous bodily functions. It takes over relevant functions in the cardiovascular system, metabolism and digestion of your dog.[3]

Da Biotin außerdem maßgeblich an der Bildung von Keratin beteiligt ist, äußert sich der Stand des Biotinspiegels in der Beschaffenheit von Fell und Krallen Deines Hundes. However, the nutrient not only ensures a full and shiny coat and strong claws, but also a protected skin barrier and balanced blood sugar levels.[4] It's not for nothing that biotin is commonly referred to as the "beauty vitamin" - but considering all its benefits, we'd like to give it the title of "super-vitamin" instead...

How to dose biotin for your four-legged friend

A healthy dog needs about 2 micrograms of biotin per kilogram of body weight per day. The coat, skin and claws of a dog weighing 8 kilograms therefore require 16 micrograms of biotin every day in order to stand out in its furry circle of acquaintances with a shiny coat.[5]

If your dog ingests too much biotin, it is quickly excreted, which rules out the possibility of an overdose.[6] So give your darling the opportunity to impress other dog ladies and gentlemen with a silky coat and give him biotin as a health-promoting food supplement. Hello gorgeous fur (without annoying itching), goodbye flaky skin and annoying eczema!

[1] Senger, V. G. (2004):

[2] Rückert, C. (2020):

[3] Senger, V. G. (2004):

[4] Rückert, C. (2020):

[5] Rückert, C. (2020):

[6] fediaf – The European Pet Food Industry (2018):

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